Author David A. Wimsett

Half Awakened Dreams: Volume II of the Carandir Saga

Silver medal winner for Epic Fantasy at The BookFest awards

The sequel to Dragons Unremembered: Volume I of the Carandir Saga

Half Awakened Dreams: Volume II of the Carandir Saga picks up eight months after the end of volume I, Dragons Unremembered.

King Ryckair and Queen Mirjel pursue Baras, the evil dragon, who has escaped. Together, as equals, they must complete a subduing spell with the power of the magical crown of Carandir. It alone can return the dragon to eternal sleep. Baras waits, wounded and in hiding, but his power grows each day. Soon, he will rise fully to visit a reign of terror upon the world.

Over the years, The monarchs have changed and grown apart. They no longer know each other. Dissention grows within the land as The Queen remains barren and unable to conceive an heir to the crown, threatening the succession and the very fabric of Carandir.

Banished royalty return and seize control of their former holdings. They call for “Pure Carandirians” to rise up against new comers, pitting neighbor against neighbor. Courage and cowardice compete as those who are different encounter prejudice and oppression, forcing many to flee as refugees.

There are new cultures, new fantastic creatures and new songs set in a gender balanced world where women and men have the same rights, opportunities and authority. Complex characters must examine their own lives to find inner strengths and overcome weaknesses as much as confront forces from the outside.

Available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Walmart.If your local bookseller does not have it in stock, ask them to order it for you from the Ingram Media Group catalogue.



Maps by Glendon Haddix | Streetlight Graphics, LLC |

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